Friday, September 23, 2016

Home, Sweet School

Hello friends!

I'm back, ready to report on another weeks thoughts.

Have you ever been in those classrooms where the teacher simply talks and talks and talks....and talks...and...zzzzzz. Seriously, it seems like those are the classes where I always end up in some awkward position in my chair, catching some zzzs . Then part two of the sleeping frenzy begins when I start the fifty page reading homework assignment that evening. Ugh.

Anyone else feel my pain? Bueller?...Bueller?

This past week in my Family Relations class we were assigned to study the Learning Model. This is a teaching method that is implemented at Brigham Young University-Idaho. To catch you up, it is a process of learning that includes three different steps:

1. Preparation
2. Teaching One Another
3. Ponder and Prove

The first step is pretty self-explanatory; come prepared! Students bring materials and come with a mind ready to learn. Since BYU-I is a christian school, it also includes being prepared spiritually.

The second step means that the class is not just a teacher lecturing. Rather, it consists of students researching and teaching different concepts and ideas. This may be done through presentations, or group discussions.

The third step happens mainly outside of the classroom. This simply means that rather than checking off each homework assignment, students are really trying to think about what is being studied. This may include talking to other people about what they are learning and/or writing down questions they may have.

Part of my assignment was explaining how this Learning Model could be applied to a family setting.


Why did my professor ask this? Is this something that could be used in the family? If so, would it be beneficial?

Lots of questions have been flooding my head!

I firmly believe that the best place to learn is in the home. Generally speaking, those in your family make the biggest impressions on you. That could be a good or bad thing depending on the situation. My family isn't perfect (who's is?), but some of my deepest opinions and beliefs started in the home. And I'm not just talking about my religious beliefs. I'm talking politics, food preferences, and everything in between!

The Learning Model is a great way to teach in the family but it certainly isn't the only way (sorry BYU-I!). Even though I don't have children of my own yet I find myself thinking about how I will teach them. Being religious, I think about Jesus Christ and how he taught. I also admire people I have known in my life and how they have raised their families. There have also been many great teachers in history that have shaped a lot of people and societies by the way they taught.

The reason for this post is to get you to think. How will you teach in your home?  Or, if you have a home, how are you teaching in your home? Are you like a lecturing professor or are have you found an effective way to teach? Will society and the world benefit from your teaching years from now?

Deep questions, I know. But believe me, you will be thanked for thinking deeply and acting quickly. Pinky promise.

My challenge for you is to ponder one of two questions:
1. If you don't have your own home, think about how you will teach when you have one. How will you teach? And, are you a good student?
2. If you have a home (this could include college apartments), how do you teach? What can you change to be more influential? And, are you a good student?

After answering these questions, act. Either prepare for your future home or implement change in your current home.

My idea is that as we ponder more of these kinds of questions, and then act, society will start to heal itself. Wouldn't that be wonderful?

Please leave your thoughts and comments!

You all are wonderful.
God lives.
Truth triumphs.
Eat some good food.

incepto ne desistam,


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